Ending factory farming. Ending animal cruelty.
Sorrowful pig in darkness looks out from behind bars of cage

Make your biggest impact

Help end animal cruelty with a monthly gift and earn a 12X MATCH

Three cows looking at the camera


3.1 billion farmed animals

a year to benefit from higher welfare thanks to Compassion in World Farming’s global food business outreach.

A mother hen with her chicks


Cruel battery cages banned

Ten US states banned cruel confinement of egg laying hens in barren cages, thanks to legislation supported by Compassion in World Farming and other animal advocacy organizations.


Compassion In World Farming

Compassion campaigns peacefully on a global level to end all cruel factory farming practices. We believe that the biggest cause of cruelty on the planet deserves a focused, specialized approach—so we only work on farmed animal welfare.

Our vision is a world where farmed animals are treated with compassion and respect.

Where your money goes

For every $1 donated, 75 cents goes back into our work. The remainder is invested in fundraising to grow our campaigns and the global movement against the world’s biggest cause of animal cruelty.

A pie chart displaying how donations are used

Our Donor Charter

  • We are approachable
  • We act with integrity
  • We respect your privacy
  • We are accountable
  • We spend income wisely

Other ways to donate

Speak to our Philanthropy Team:
As special partners in our work to end factory farming, members of the Circle of Compassion donate $1,000 or more annually and receive dedicated updates and special invitations to webinars and events. Contact us to learn more. Give us a call at (678) 902-2493 or email [email protected].

By mail:
Send a check payable to "CIWF" to:
Compassion in World Farming, Inc.
211 East 43rd Street
7th Floor
New York City, NY 10017

By phone:
678-902-CIWF (2493)
9am to 5pm from Monday to Friday.

Planned giving:

Learn how to leave a legacy

Your donation is 100% secure

Thanks to the SSL encryption of your bank data, you are assured of the reliability of your transactions. The space is secure as soon as the site URL starts with https.

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Your privacy is protected

We are committed to your privacy, and ensure the strictest confidence is applied to your personal details. Personal contact information is never rented or shared. Information is used internally for management and information purposes only, to include the provision of annual tax receipts. For more information on how we protect your personal data, click here.

Platinum Transparency 2023 Candid.
Great Non Profits - 2023 Top-Rated Non Profit
Seal of compliance. Charitable Solicitation.

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